Life in Dharavi, Largest Slum in Asia
In this video, we take you on a journey to one of the largest and most densely populated slums in the world - Dharavi in Mumbai, India. Through a maze of narrow alleyways, we take a look at small businesses that are housed - literally - in a single room, and get a glimpse into the lives of the residents, their work and determination. Our guide in Dharavi was Samir, whom you can find here: If you enjoyed the episode, we'd love it if you gave us a like and shared the video further. :) What do you want to hear about in the next episode? Let us know in the comments under the video or under the posts on Instagram and Facebook. There you'll also find various tidbits that aren't in the episode: ● Facebook: ● Instagram: In addition to our guide's knowledge, the most important sources in the film were: Durable housing alternative for Dharavi, Imre Lokhorst and Floriaan Troost V6 Isendoorn College, 2018. Squatter settlements in Mumbai, India, BBC Kaushal J, Mahajan P. Asia's largest urban slum-Dharavi: A global model for management of COVID-19. Cities. 2021 Apr;111:103097. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2020.103097. Epub 2021 Jan 12. PMID: 33519012; PMCID: PMC7832248. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Amita Bhide Arch. Mag.arch Martina Spies, “Dharavi - Ground Up”: A Dwellers-Focused Design Tool for Upgrading Living Space in Dharavi, Mumbai. Kenneth Rivas, Dharavi Redevelopment https://hunterurbanreview.commons.gc....
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